Independent Director
Mr. Masud Khan is an experienced professionals with 43 years’ work experience in leading multinationals and local companies, of which 23 years are as a senior director at board level. He graduated with honours in accounting from the University of Kolkata in India with a Bachelor of Commerce credential. Along with the academic qualification, he is a Chartered Accountant, Fellow Member (FCA) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (standing 2nd in India), Cost Accountant, Fellow Member (FICWA) of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India and Certified Management Accountant, Fellow Member (Australia and New Zealand). System Design and RPG II programming, Management Development & Managerial Grid, HAY System of Job Evaluation, Assessment Centre, Finance Development Program, Leader for Tomorrow, and Senior Management Development are a few examples of the professional courses he took to further his career. He presently serves as the Chairman of Unilever Consumer Care Ltd. (formerly GSK) and Chief Advisor of the Board of Crown Cement Group Bangladesh.
Date of appointment to BATB Board
Mr. Khan was appointed as an Independent Director to the Board of Directors of BAT Bangladesh on 29th October 2024.